

Produit Category Données techniques Applications / propriétés Ph / Ionic charge Doc
ACTYBIND BCS Resin binders
Acrylic Soft binder, wet and dry resistance adapted to Shoes + Leather goods Anionic
ACTYBIND CAS Resin binders
Acrylic / Filler Compact Versatile soft compact binder used as a ground and embossing coat Anionic
ACTYBIND CSC Resin binders
PU / Co-polymer Compact High covering, non tacky compact, high physical properties Anionic
ACTYBIND CSY Resin binders
Acrylic Compact Excellent covering properties Anionic
ACTYBIND IM Resin binders
Acrylic Soft impregnation binder for corrected grain Shoe + Leather goods Anionic
ACTYBIND PU 202 Resin binders
Aliphatic PU Soft PU binder, excellent coverage Anionic
ACTYBIND PU 1169 NF Resin binders
Aliphatic PU NEP & NMP free Very soft binder with high adhesion properties, specialy for milled leather and sheepskins Anionic
ACTYCROSS A14 Auxiliaries finishing
Polyaziridine PU and acrylic crosslinker Anionic
ACTYDRIVE 1011 Auxiliaries finishing
Surfactant Penetrator particularly adapted to impregnation Anionic
ACTYFIL A Auxiliaries finishing
Aqueous Filler Excellent filling effect with a good degree of dulling Anionic
ACTYMAX S 2 Auxiliaries finishing
PU / Co-polymer Optimum up-grading effect by hand application with spatula Anionic
ACTY-OIL SV 1800 Auxiliaries finishing
Synthetic Oil "Pull-up", roller-coat or pad/spray - adapted to waterproof finish Non-ionic
ACTY-OIL SV 2000 Auxiliaries finishing
Blended Oil Emulsion Oily pull-up effect. Roller-coat, spray or pad Anionic
ACTYWAX B Auxiliaries finishing
Wax compound Burnishing hard wax. Glossy effect when polished Anionic
ACTYWAX CW Auxiliaries finishing
Natural Hard Wax Used in fashion finishing like "Crunch effect" Anionic
ACTYWAX BLW Auxiliaries finishing
Paraffin wax Hot melt wax for production of alternative "Crazy Horse" and greasy articles. -
ACTYWAX MPW Auxiliaries finishing
Paraffin wax Used for pull-up, crazy horse. Application with heated R/C -
ACTYWAX TE Auxiliaries finishing
Natural fat Able to give different antique effects Anionic
ACTYLUST 1079 Caseins
Protein / Hard Wax Excellent polishability, particularly adapted to goat / calf Anionic
Protein / Wax Applied in all conventional finishing systems/plating properties Anionic
Organic fixation Ecological fixation for protein binders, formaldehyde free Anionic
Self Crosslinking Acrylic Very soft self crosslinking Acrylic for ecological fixation adapted to milled articles Anionic
Aliphatic PU Extremely elastic, aliphatic PU Top Coat recommended for upholstery and stretch leathers. Anionic
ACTYTOP PU 907 Top coats
Aliphatic PU Soft elastic PU top coat recommended to upholstery leather Anionic
ACTAN AC Retanning
Soft acrylic polymer Soft, fine and tight grain / pH stable 4.0
ACTAN ALF Retanning
Aluminium syntan Pretanning, tanning and retanning. 3.5
ACTAN OM Retanning
Chrome organic syntan Pretanning, tanning and retanning. Soft, fine grain 5.5
ACTAN OMA Retanning
Chrome aluminium organic syntan Tanning and retanning for tight grain, bright colours 4.5
ACTAN PAC Retanning
Acrylic copolymer Softness and fullness 7.5
ACTAN PO Retanning
Phenolic syntan Universal retanning for full leather with nice handle 4.1
ACTAN RDC Retanning
Dicyandiamide condensate Strong filling of the belly. Exceptional grain tightening effect 8.5
ACTAN RM Retanning
Polycondensate Fullness, good buffing, embossing effect 7.5
ACTAN RS Retanning
Urea formaldehyde condensate Good buffing, selective filling effect 8.5
ACTAN SK Retanning
Naphthalen - phenolic compound Shrinking syntan with astringent power 3.2
ACTAN TG Retanning
Polyphenol synthetic and natural compound Universal replacement syntan, high plumping effect 4.5
Modified Aliphatic Dialdehyde Pretanning, tanning, retanning. Gives soft leather 4.5
ACTIPACT® GL Actipact® Range
High tech polymer Filling + shinning effect 6.8
Neutral polynaphtalene High penetration / dispersion power on dyestuffs 7.5
Surfactant and dispersing blend To level speed penetration between dyestuffs 9.5
Cationic amide Strong improvement of wet fastness 5.0
ACTOIL ASL Fatliquoring
Natural oil Anionic fatliquor for all softy leather.Silky touch 9.0
ACTOIL ESK Fatliquoring
Anionic synthetic fatliquor Tight grain, short nap for shoes, leather goods, splits nubuk 7.5
ACTOIL MDF Fatliquoring
Synthetic sulphited ester Electrolyte stable (i.e. : furs, woolskins) 7.5
ACTOIL NLP Fatliquoring
Sulphited, sulphated vegetal oils with lecithin Garment leather with silky touch 7.0
ACTOIL NSU Fatliquoring
Sulphited synthetic and natural oils Sperm oil substitute (i.e. : upholstery) 7.5
ACTOIL PBS Fatliquoring
Sulphated neatsfoot oil Boxcalf, glazed upperleather, full grain 8.5
ACTOIL PCF Fatliquoring
Fully synthetic oil Excellent softness. Electrolyte stable 6.5
ACTOIL VI Fatliquoring
Raw neatsfoot oil Grain lubrification. No fatty spews. Top fat -
ACTOIL WSG Fatliquoring
Alkyl Phosphate Penetrating waterproofing fatliquor for soft leather 8.0
ACTYL ECO 6 Auxiliaries
Combination of anti-oxydative agents Powerfull chrome VI scavenger 3.0
ACTYCOMPACT BU Resin binders
PU, synthetic wax & filler modified Burnish compact with a strong covering effect Anionic